Just back from Derby Book Festival.
Tue, 1st Jun 2021How strange to have a live audience again after so long.

Thank you…
Tue, 20th Apr 2021A big thank you to Aleksandra in Moscow for this gorgeous pen.

Frog or Toad??
Tue, 20th Apr 2021Nearly stood on this in the cellar this morning. Is it a frog or a toad? Not that it would have made any difference if I’d squashed it.

Inspiring article.
Wed, 7th Apr 2021I can’t remember who sent me this inspiring article, but thank you, whoever you are.

Thank you
Sat, 13th Mar 2021Thank you so much to whoever was kind enough to send this.

Edinburgh busts.
Sun, 14th Feb 2021Just bought these beautiful busts from a church in Edinburgh.

Captain being neighbourly
Thu, 11th Feb 2021Yesterday Captain decided to visit Jayne in the shop next door and help with her stock taking.

Not really about books but….
Sat, 6th Feb 2021but after 38 years without a victory at Wickenham….

I think today I finally understood the meaning of the word pathos
Mon, 25th Jan 2021I think today I finally understood the meaning of the word pathos